Sunday, 1 December 2013

Face death of Paul Walker

Paul Walker’s death in Valencia on Saturday November 30, 2013 has now been confirmed: the actor best known for his roles in The Fast and the Furious or Varsity Blues died at 40.

Walker died Saturday in a car crash in Santa Clarita, Calif. Leaving a charity event, he was riding in the passenger seat of a Porsche Carrera GT, when the driver lost control. The car slammed into a post or a tree, and burst into flames.

The body of Paul Walker 
Real or Face?

Husband kisses his wife

Husband kisses his wife .. not with lip
But with machete!

Monday, 18 November 2013

Beaten by a woman

wow... misfortune of a snatch thief !
he failed ... he was beaten... beaten by a woman

... He's a snatch thief

Monday, 28 October 2013

Don't stick your head out a window

This is the consequences of Head out the window...

 shattered head

 scattered brain


Don't stick your head out a vehicle's window

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Strange new born baby in Egypt

it is possible that the effects of radiation bomb...
strange baby birth

Video Strange new born baby in Egypt

Stop War

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Syrian children head shattered

Syrian Children Killed shattered head


Monday, 1 July 2013

Exotic sushi

variety of weird sushi... try it

 crickets sushi

 cockroach sushi

 grasshopper sushi

 worm sushi

 caterpillar sushi

 wasps sushi

 larva sushi

 insect sushi

naked sushi

Wanna try?

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Muay Thai fights at school

bullying by thrashing student...

fights at school

Video Fights at School